Lazar's Education II. Caltech to MIT

Bob Lazar's master's degrees have been a controversial topic, as no hard evidence has ever been found supporting their existence. Researchers have had difficulty agreeing on Lazar's narrative timeline and determining when he attended each institution. Stanton Friedman believed that Lazar claimed to have completed his master's degree in physics at MIT in 1982. Some people, including myself, have been very skeptical of Friedman's hypothetical timeline. The first step is to determine the correct order of events in Lazar's story, which can only be achieved by objectively examining all the available evidence.

1990 Pandering Case - Presentencing Report

Source: Link

1982, Masters of Science in Physics, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

1985, Masters of Science in Electronics Technology, Cal Tech, California.


the defendant was evasive in supplying any types of dates concerning his educational background.

The order of schools is: MIT, Caltech.

The year of graduation for MIT is 1982 and for Caltech, 1985. However, according to the report, Lazar was evasive when supplying the dates.

1993 Alien Contact by Timothy Good

Bob told me that he attended Pierce Junior College, California, then the California Institute of Technology (Cal Tech), and California State University at Northridge. A period of employment by Fairchild was followed by a return to Cal Tech. He claims to have obtained master’s degrees in physics (his thesis: Magnetohydrodynamics) from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and in electronics from Cal Tech.

(Source: Link)

The order of schools is: Pierce, Caltech, Northridge, Caltech. (Above text is not a direct quote from Bob Lazar)

1993 Bob Lazar Little Al'e'Inn UFO Symposium Q & A

I went to Pierce and Northridge. And then, I'm terrible with dates. I don't remember the exact dates, but probably around '76 or so, I was at Pierce. And then '77 or '78, I went to Northridge just for a short time for some classes. After that, I was at Caltech and then MIT. (Source: Link)

The order of schools is: Pierce, Northridge, Caltech, MIT.

What was the year of your graduation from MIT and did you have a Phd? No it's a master's degree. The year, what was the year of graduation, probably, probably 82, because I think I left there... and went to Los Alamos? ...went to Los Alamos. (Source: Link)

The year of graduation for MIT is 1982. However, there's clearly a low level of certainty expressed regarding the reliability of the date.

~1995 Dark Matters Radio

After I left Pierce I went to Northridge for a short amount of time and then at the time I got a job at Fairchild Electronics which was in Canoga Park at the time, and then moved out to Simi Valley and while I was in Simi Valley that's when I started attending Cal Tech and I purposely had to rearrange my schedule at Fairchild so I can make the drive to Pasadena. (Source: Link)

The order of schools is: Pierce, Northridge, Caltech.

1997 Beyond Roswell

Tagliani remembered having worked with Lazar at Fairchild Industries in Los Angeles in 1981. Lazar, he recalled, had worked rather crazy shifts in order to meet his attendance requirements at lectures and seminars at Caltech. They had become friends, and Tagliani had no doubts at all about Lazar having studied at Caltech. (Source: Link)

According to James Tagliani, Lazar attended Caltech in 1981.

2019 Dreamland An Autobiography by Bob Lazar

I originally worked at Fairchild as a technician repairing broken circuit boards, but eventually became a test engineer, and later an engineer designing circuit and logic boards. I loved electronics and I was earning money and going to school at Caltech by this time. I was studying electronics there mainly because the people at Fairchild thought that was the best use of my time.


And there I was at the age of twenty-three, working as an electronics engineer even though I was stil a few credits shy of actually having a college degree. I wanted more, so in the summer of 1982, I sent a cover letter and resume to Los Alamos National Laboratory. (Source: Link)

Bob Lazar was likely close to earning a degree from Caltech in the summer of 1982 and may have completed it following the fall term of 1982.

I'd taken what I thought was a step in the right direction, was grateful to the folks at Meson for sending me to MIT to further my education, but I felt as if I was one of those bags being carried along by the wind... (Source: Link)

Bob Lazar was sent to MIT by the Meson facility of Los Alamos Labs some time after the summer of 1982.

If, in january of 1989, I was eager to get back to working in the scientific community after more than four years... (Source: Link)

Lazar left the scientific community in 1985 (1989 - 4) and did not obtain any degrees after that year.

On July 21, 1986, Bob Lazar filed for bankruptcy. Court filings reveal the dates when Lazar took out loans during the 1980s. He took no loans in 1983. In 1984, Lazar borrowed $4,000 from his mother. In 1985, he took out several loans, with the earliest dated March 22, 1985, from Los Alamos Bank. MIT spring graduates typically defend their theses between mid-March and early May, so Lazar may have taken this loan shortly after returning from Massachusetts. (Source: Link)

To Summarize:
  • Whenever Bob Lazar suggested that he went to MIT in 1982 and to Caltech in 1985 it was always in highly questionable circumstances.
  • There is plenty of mentions of Bob Lazar going to Caltech between 1981 and 1982.
  • In his biography Lazar suggested that LANL sent him to MIT after he was employed there with a possible graduation date of 1985* the earliest.
  • The order of institutes that Lazar attended mentioned by him personally was always: Pierce, Northridge, Caltech.
It seems to make more sense...
  • that Lazar attended the one year engineering graduate program at California Institute of Technology when he lived in California.
  • that Lazar continued his electrical engineering education at Caltech instead of switching to physics at MIT.
  • that Lazar expanded his knowledge by learning physics after studying electrical engineering rather than the other way around.

Additional Note*: A master's degree program at Caltech was one year long while at MIT it was two years and required a thesis.

We can conclude that as far as Bob Lazar's story is concerned and according to the words written above he was attending Caltech from 1981 to 1982 and MIT between 1983 and 1985.

Part three can be found here: Lazar's Education III !