Bob Lazar Vindicated

Bob Lazar is a former Los Alamos Labs technician, business owner, and self-proclaimed physicist who allegedly worked on reverse-engineering UFOs in the late 1980s at a location he called S4, near Papoose Lake, just south of Area 51 at Groom Lake, Nevada. He has been referred to as the "original whistleblower," but others labeled him a fraud, liar, grifter and more.

This website was created to dissolve the confusion surrounding Lazar's story by using primary sources, documents, and thoughtful analysis, so that all may have access to the historical material and are able to paint a more balanced picture of the man.

In the Answers section we have a list of common charges Lazar has been accused of and the appropriate answer or rebuttal to the charge. In the Articles section you can find primary research related to Lazar's life and history. In the Library you can search for information related to Lazar's story using radio and movie transcripts and books as sources.
For anyone who has never heard of Lazar I recommend the video "Best of Ufo Whistleblower Bob Lazar" in the videos section to start with.

Accusations & Answers


Caltech has no records of Bob Lazar's engineering master's degree.
Caltech does not publish its list of master graduates nor does the education conclude with a master's thesis. All information related to Lazar could have been easily classified (See Executive Order 12356 1.3/10).
MIT has no records of Bob Lazar's master's degree in physics.
Everything at MIT including a student's records can be classified. (See Executive Order 12356 1.3/10)
There is no evidence that Bob Lazar wrote a master's thesis at MIT
While most universities would not allow the perpetual classification of a thesis MIT is an exception in this regard.
Administrators at MIT could not find Lazar's name on their commencement list.
Asking about any classified or FERPA protected record would result in a claim of: no match found.
Bob Lazar's picture and name does not appear in any yearbook.
Only undergraduates appear in yearbooks and Bob Lazar never claimed to have gotten any bachelor degrees.
If Lazar did not have a bachelor degree he could not have gained access to the graduate program at Caltech.
An undergraduate degree is not required for Caltech's master's program, only the courses are.
Bob Lazar went to Los Angeles Pierce College instead of MIT
This scenario assumes that Lazar was an undergraduate at MIT, something he never claimed himself.
Bob Lazar only got a 2 year electronics degree from Los Angeles Pierce College.
The 2 year electronics engineering associate degree was convertable into a 4 years degree if the student continued their education elsewhere.
Most of the courses Lazar took at Pierce College were electronics.
This is true, however given that Lazar spent 3 years at Pierce he could have easily taken 2 years of electronics and 1 year of transfer classes (maths, physics etc.).
Bob Lazar could not have gotten admitted to Caltech or MIT with his poor scores from high school.
Grades from Pierce automatically negate any poor high school score Lazar may have had.
About Me


I am Daniel Vintner, the creator of I am a professional programmer, author, and UFO researcher. My research into Bob Lazar's story began in January 2023, shortly after I published my first book. I have gathered all the available data about Lazar and made it accessible to everyone through the Library. I’ve spoken with as many people who knew Lazar as possible, and I am deeply grateful for the help and advice they have provided. I’ve also written several articles on the subject, although much has been left unsaid.
Initially, I had little interest in UFOs or extraterrestrials. My first book was a critique of Darwin’s theory of evolution, written from my unique perspective as a programmer. Titled Some Mistakes of Darwin and a Programmer's Theory of Life, it offered a fresh take on the origins of life.


My experience

The story of being visited by some unknown entity. This happened 6 months after I began my research on Lazar. By then I have pretty much exhausted all of my sources and was pretty much stuck. Read it below if you wish.