June 24, 2023
Imagine a hooded figure. Now imagine that this figure is made of sunlight, but that this light is not reflected on anything despite everything around being dark. Then if you look at the face, you see two completely round dark eye sockets. Due to the contrast of the dark surrounding and the figure of light, it seemed that the Entity's eyes were hollow. I could not see any feet, and the hoodie was extremely pronounced and created a triangle between the top of the head and the shoulders. Since everything was homogeneous light except for the eyes, only the contour of the being was visible so any dimensionality is simply implied by the humanoid appearance. I also seem to recall a very thin slightly more dim aura around the being. The shape and color of the eyes as well as the dark environment are the parts of my memory that I am least certain of. Everything else I can still easily recall. I estimate this experience to have taken approximately 15 to 30 seconds.
I can clearly remember what I felt. I was elated. Really happy to see this thing. My thoughts were, and I wish they weren't, something like: Yippee, they are real! Then it was over. I was in bed, and it was about 2AM.
About six months after the incident, I've decided to seek out a hypnotherapist. I've picked one who seemed trustworthy and agreed with him to have a two-hour session together. I gave him the task to find out if what I saw was real or a dream and told him that I would comply as best as I could. Not because I was still disturbed at this point, but more because my money was being spent and I didn't want to waste it. Once under hypnosis, the first thing I felt was pain. I could feel it from the left side of my chest and then a bit later from the right side. I also felt an almost unbearable urge to open my eyes. I had to constantly apply force to my eyelids to keep them closed. This struggle went on for almost the whole duration and eventually I could feel moisture building up around my eye due to exhaustion.
I have never been hypnotized before. I've never prayed or meditated or taken any drugs or been drunk (despite quite some effort) and I have never seen anything illusionary outside my dreams while being conscious. This time, however, I did see some things although they were mostly very simple mostly geometric shapes. My sight was clear but without context it is hard to say what I saw, but I will share my best guess that I have come up with.
Firstly, I saw a circle in the center of my vision. Everything around the circle was pulsating energy which was going inside the circle, like a reversed hollow Sun. My deduction for this is that this is simply a focus point which is also called the third eye (best guess doesn't mean it is a good guess).
Second, I saw a snout specifically a reptilian snout. The image came and went by very quickly, but my therapist did ask me about it and I did reluctantly say that I saw a reptilian. I don't know why and honestly, I don't want to know why. Third, I saw something that resembled the Entity or at least the outside shape of the glowing being. This shape was stuck to the bottom of my vision so once again I could not see any feet. That's pretty much all that I saw